The reality is this: people who have mastered their goals have first created a detailed 'roadmap' to help them find a way to achieve them. They never worry about their major goal - they spend their limited time, money and energy achieving lots of little goals which lead up to it. Then one day, they wake up to realise they've finally managed to "eat their elephant" (achieve their goal)... one bite at a time!
At Mortgage Free Australia , we understand the “phobias” people have about goal-setting. In our Mortgage Crunch Kit (FREE for members) we've devised a special "12-Key Point" budgeting strategy which can help you to achieve your Mortgage Free dream of eliminating your mortgage years sooner - one tiny step at a time!
By simply following the Mortgage Free Australia method of eliminating your mortgage...
»Find out more about FREE membership and how to access your FREE "Mortgage Crunch Kit"
Mortgage Free Australia has fantastic support for the Mortgage Reduction Plan software, too. Sometimes I’ve put the in figures a bit wrong and I’ve had to ring up to get some help. The guys at Mortgage Free Australia have been really, really helpful. I can thoroughly recommend the online Mortgage Reduction Plan software. I’ve been using it now for over 3 years." - MC Albany WA