First of all, membership is FREE. In return for joining our community of smart mortgage busters, you will get these bonuses... |
FREE Priority Access to our national Mortgage Coach Network... |
Mortgage Free Australia members receive priority
access to our national network of Mortgage Coaches. Mortgage Coaches are a new breed of professionally trained and approved mortgage
specialists. They are trained in Mortgage Free Australia’s exclusive mortgage reduction technology to help put you on the fast-track
to Mortgage Freedom. With an average experience of 10 years in the banking industry, our Mortgage Coaches have the skills and
lender-relationships to get you a just about any type of loan. That’s because Mortgage Coaches have access to over 300
loan products with 30 different lenders. And using the latest in lightning-turnaround online submission
software, there will be no time wasted getting your
loan approved as quickly as possible! |
A Treasure Trove of eReports - Exclusive and FREE... |
Members can access our range of special eReports, written by experts, on topics ranging from Refinancing, Tax Tips,
Adding Value, Buying Right and Timing the Market. These eReports are a priceless resource that will motivate you to achieve
your financial dreams. (New reports are being added all the time, so you’ll receive a virtually endless supply of powerful,
up-to-the-minute information)! |
Exclusive Members Only DISCOUNT Bookshop... |
Our Bookshop is not open to the general public. Inside you will find best-selling books by famous wealth-building mentors,
such as Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad), Dolf de Roos (Real Estate Riches) and many others. And the big news for members is
that all these titles are available much cheaper than bookstore prices, with convenient to-your-door delivery! |
Members Only Access to Our Exclusive Mortgage Calculator... |
To help you meet your Mortgage Free goals, members are eligible for heavily discounted access to our exclusive Mortgage
Reduction Plan software. This powerful system will help you track and manage your Mortgage Freedom goals, and beat the bank
manager years sooner! |
Newsletters & Breaking News Reports... |
We also provide invaluable and timely information to keep you ahead of the pack. With all the hysteria and misinformation
in the media regarding high interest rates and falling property prices, you need a balanced, professional viewpoint to help you
get on top of your mortgage years sooner! |
Events... |
From mid-2006 onwards, Mortgage Free Australia is planning to run several EXCLUSIVE members-only LIVE workshops in capital
cities around Australia. These workshops will be free to members, covering topics such as: How to Renovate for Profit, How to
Create Wealth Safely and Fast, and How to Buy Investment Property in a Falling Market. Find out what FREE seminars and
events we have planned to help you build your property wealth faster than you ever thought possible. |
Mortgage Busters... |
Nearly every month we hear from delighted members who have used Mortgage Free Australia’s techniques to pay off their mortgages years sooner.
Sometimes, these happy members are willing to share their stories to help motivate other members along their path to mortgage freedom.
As they become available, we will share these powerful, motivating mortgage-busting success stories with you. |