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You are now just a single step away from receiving your free mortgage crunch kit what members are saying about mortgage free australia
I am proud to say that I am a member of Mortgage Free Australia. I have told all my friends and family to sign up as well. My favourite part of membership is reading the mortgage buster stories...
Robyne McKay
Using a mortgage coach made our experience a whole lot easier. What we found made all the difference is the very personal service – we weren’t made to feel like a number which is what usually happens when you deal with a bank. We were kept very well informed the whole way so we always felt comfortable. Our mortgage coach listened to our needs, we told her what we wanted and she found the product that suited us, so we weren’t talked into signing with just any bank that she may have got a better kick back from. I have recommended the service to a few of my friends already and I am also looking into the possibility of refinancing soon – and our mortgage coach will be the first person I call.
Malcolm -- Bullsbrook, WA
If it weren't for this book ["How to Be Mortgage Free in 4 Easy Steps"] I wouldn't be saving over $109,000 and 15 years on my mortgage - what a difference!
Anita King, SA

You’re about to join a special community of like-minded Australian’s who are now on the fast-track to becoming Mortgage Free years sooner.

Plus, when you join, you’ll gain access to our unique newsletters, a treasure trove of free e-reports (just like the "Crunch Kit!"), EXCLUSIVE members-only discounts, hot tips and insider secrets, inspiring mortgage buster stories... and much, much more! And remember, your FREE Mortgage Crunch Kit is packed full of invaluable information essential to every homeowner. It includes...

   1. "The Essential Home Owner's Guide"

   2. "Budgeting 101"

   3. "Getting the Right Loan"

   4. "Property Investor Guide"

Let’s take a closer look at what you get in the Mortgage Crunch Kit...

The Essential Home Owners Guide

"The Essential Home Owners' Guide"

(RRP $49.95)

An invaluable and comprehensive collection of home owner tips, tricks, knowledge and education for all homeowners, including...

  • Venus flytrap: Avoid the loan product so enticing, 1,000’s of Aussies often end up paying $1,000’s in penalties!
  • 12 steps to buying your dream home - follow these steps to take the fear out of the process!
  • 6 things you can do to ensure you don’t buy a "nightmare" home!
  • 14 common-sense points to check off as you go through the purchasing process!
  • The 7-item checklist you must have if you’re planning to build your own home!

"Budgeting 101"

(RRP $9.95)

Handy tips on how you can budget smartly and still have a life. The money you save can make a big difference to the term of your home loan. This guide will help you understand:

  • The little attitude adjustment that’ll make a huge difference to your wealth!
  • One thing you can do every day that will put extra 5-10% cash in your pocket - instantly! (And, no, it’s not working longer hours)
  • The common, everyday item that’ll put more food on your table for less cash!
  • 2 simple strategies to cut your petrol bill by 20%.... 30%...even 50%... almost overnight!
  • How to get another pay cheque - without getting another job!
  • The 4 golden rules eliminating all your debts - fast!
Getting the Right Loan

"Getting the Right Loan"

(RRP $9.95)

There are many options in the world of home ownership and just as many ways to finance your purchase. Whether you're a first-time buyer, looking to upgrade, or want to buy an investment property, we're sure this guide will give you tips on finding the right finance for your needs, such as...

  • The single biggest problem you’ll ever have to face while you’re trying to become financially free! (And it’s not "Lack of Money")...
  • 3 key questions you must answer "yes" to before you refinance!
  • Advice from leading economist - the most important thing you need to know about you home loan! (And believe it or not, it’s not interest rates)...
  • 9 vital steps you must follow while applying for your loan so your lender doesn’t hammer you!
  • Why you should seriously reconsider doing business with the "Big 4" Banks - How they can damage your chances of getting a loan with other, smaller lenders!
  • 9 hidden costs that could cripple your ability to get a loan - or afford a new home!
Property Investor Guide

"Property Investor Guide"

(RRP $49.95)

Powerful information every property investor should know. Covering topics such as Entering the Market, the Property Investment Process, Property Management and Depreciation. In this guide you’ll discover...

  • The "Apples-to-Oranges" trap new investors are likely to get caught in if they’re not careful!
  • 2 economic variables that will help you know for sure if you property investment is making you richer - or sending you to the poor house!
  • 1 powerful reasons you should seriously consider "Buying off the Plan" - and the 3 dangers that every investor needs to know about!
  • How to avoid paying GST on your property investment!
  • 6 expensive reasons why you need to get you property managed properly!
  • LEGAL MADNESS: 2 things you must do so you’re not legally liable for tenants stolen goods!
  • 15 Amazing tax-deductions available to property investors that can’t be accessed by "Joe Public"!
Membership is FREE, and in return for joining our community of smart mortgage busters, you get some great bonuses including free e-reports, discount bookshop, mortgage calculators and much more.
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